Monday, February 7, 2011


Where to start... I don't even know. I usually end up here out of some kind of necessity, to speak my mind and use this as a bookmark to remember where I last left off. Today is not such an occasion, but it feels like I should start a new chapter anyways. We'll call this "filler."

Let's see... I'm still confused, on just about everything. Doors open for me, only to slam shut in my face. I try to see past the hurdles and yet I still fall. Basically nothing much has changed over all these years, except I managed to change tax brackets.

Since words escape me, here is an ordered list:

1. Trying to see/date a girl who isn't ready to see/date me. (see: hopeless)
2. Applied for my "ideal" career job and didn't get it. (see: defeated)
3. Still wishing for a life that I never had. (see: melancholy)

My life is summed up so well in such depressing words. Google knows me so well.

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